

23: 風吹けばゆうらり 2024/08/29(木) 07:24:20.65 ID:TEpdvubP0


28: 風吹けばゆうらり 2024/08/29(木) 07:26:25.48 ID:72EvNjfG0

good time to remind everyone that things ie grooming + sexual abuse are very much engrained in our sport and aren’t limited by country/fed. miki ando dating her child student falls into a greater problem of child exploitation―this isn’t a bad apple; it’s a bushel of rotting fruit

good time to remind everyone that things ie grooming + sexual abuse are very much engrained in our sport and aren’t limited by country/fed. miki ando dating her child student falls into a greater problem of child exploitation—this isn’t a bad apple; it’s a bushel of rotting fruit

— spark (^^)(^^) (ia at work) (@yunaslarks) https://twitter.com/yunaslarks/status/1805974433154339018?ref_src=twsrc%5EtfwJune 26, 2024

29: 風吹けばゆうらり 2024/08/29(木) 07:26:36.08 ID:72EvNjfG0

Miki ando caught grooming a 16 year old kid. Her daughter is 11 years old. His parents KNOW and his mother was there when the pics were taken
And i forgot to sau that the kid IS HER PUPIL TOO. She deserves to be banned from coaching.

Miki ando caught grooming a 16 year old kid. Her daughter is 11 years old. His parents KNOW and his mother was there when the pics were taken

— gadea iglesias sordo (@gadeaiglesias) https://twitter.com/gadeaiglesias/status/1805989665402405070?ref_src=twsrc%5EtfwJune 26, 2024

And i forgot to sau that the kid IS HER PUPIL TOO. She deserves to be banned from coaching.

— gadea iglesias sordo (@gadeaiglesias) https://twitter.com/gadeaiglesias/status/1805994786089755071?ref_src=twsrc%5EtfwJune 26, 2024

93: 風吹けばゆうらり 2024/08/29(木) 08:47:57.49 ID:75VctDFb0


33: 風吹けばゆうらり 2024/08/29(木) 07:28:14.26 ID:72EvNjfG0

Wtf Miki Ando???
A relationship with a 16 year old? Really? Thats fckd up.
A student and coach relationship is never ok bc of the power imbalance
that is inevitable but dating a minor is disgusting...
I hope the boy gets support from the right ppl and can get out of this!

Wtf Miki Ando???
A relationship with a 16 year old? Really? That's fckd up.
A student and coach relationship is never ok bc of the power imbalance that is inevitable but dating a minor is disgusting...
I hope the boy gets support from the right ppl and can get out of this!

— (^^)was in Champery to see Shoma(^^) (@Dornrschen8) https://twitter.com/Dornrschen8/status/1806064649663926359?ref_src=twsrc%5EtfwJune 26, 2024

43: 風吹けばゆうらり 2024/08/29(木) 07:36:36.72 ID:mo36ZNEq0


44: 風吹けばゆうらり 2024/08/29(木) 07:36:41.85 ID:R18rNF4x0







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